Modeling mixed species stands
Forest ecosystems with multiple tree species are more resilient to environmental changes and support a wider wildlife population than ecosystems with a single dominating tree species, but are not necessarily associated with superior economic outcomes. The contradictory evaluation of the ecosystems services is not confined to multiple tree species ecosystems, but is amplified by the representation of species composition. (from Strimbu et al 2018).
Develope quantitative models for mixed species ecosystems
A fully fucntional data generation and forest sampling software can be downloaded from HERE.
- Strimbu BM, Paun M, Popescu SC, Montes C. 2018. A scalar measure tracing tree species composition in space or time.Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 512: 682-692
- Strimbu, B.M., Petritan, I.C., Montes, C., Biris, I.A., 2017. An assessment of the O-ring methodology using virgin stands of mixed European beech – Sessile oak. Forest Ecology and Management 384, 378-388